General Questions

Q: What is UC Berkeley WarnMe? When will it be used?

UC Berkeley WarnMe is the notification system serving the UC Berkeley community. Emergency notifications are sent via the Everbridge platform (previously called Nixle) upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees. UC Berkeley WarnMe is also used to send timely warnings and community advisories from the campus police (UCPD)

UC Berkeley WarnMe is just one part of our alert and warning system that may be used on campus. In case of an actual emergency, the university may also utilize the alert and warning siren system, the university email system, social media, or verbal announcements via public address systems. The university may also post updates during a critical incident on the university homepage. If the situation warrants, the university will establish a telephone call-in center to communicate with the campus community during an emergency situation.

Q: How do I sign up for UC Berkeley WarnMe?
UC Berkeley Affiliates (Students, Staff, Faculty)

By default, all UC Berkeley email addresses are automatically enrolled in UC Berkeley WarnMe to receive (1) emergency notifications, (2) timely warnings, and (3) community advisories from UCPD. You can view or edit your UC Berkeley email address via the CalNet directory.

To receive UC Berkeley WarnMe emergency alerts via SMS/text message, you must register your mobile phone number here. If you are a UC Berkeley affiliate, but are not receiving notifications, please email

You will be signed up automatically once you have a UC Berkeley email address. All students, staff, and faculty will be automatically enrolled. Once enrolled, you can add an SMS number.

Non-UC-Berkeley Affiliates Public Portal

If you are not an affiliate of UC Berkeley, but are interested in receiving notifications (e.g., a member of the public who lives or works near campus), please register your email address and/or mobile phone number on the Non-UC-Berkeley Affiliate Public Portal.

Q: Is there a way to view UC Berkeley WarnMe alerts without signing up?

UC Berkeley WarnMe alerts are forwarded to the UCPD Twitter feed @UCPD_Cal

Q: Is there a cost to participate?

Participation in the UC Berkeley WarnMe system is free, but you may incur a per message cost, depending on your mobile device plan.

Q: What if my phone number or email address changes?

We recommend that you check your UC Berkeley WarnMe contact information at least once a year to update your best SMS/text message number and email address.

UC Berkeley Affiliates (Students, Staff, Faculty)

You can view or edit your UC Berkeley email address via the CalNet directory. To edit your mobile phone number (SMS) information, click here. Contact information is periodically synced with Everbridge.

Non-UC-Berkeley Affiliates Public Portal

You can view or edit your contact information through the Non-UC-Berkeley Affiliate Public Portal.

Q: What happens if I register a blocked SMS number?

You will not receive any SMS/text messages from the UC Berkeley WarnMe service if you provide an SMS number that you or your cellular provider have blocked from receiving text messages. Please contact your carrier and have them unblock the Everbridge shortcodes (893-61 and 878-44). If you believe you have a blocked SMS number, please do not enter it in the SMS/mobile phone number field of the UC Berkeley WarnMe registration form.

Q: How secure will my contact information be? Who will be able to use it?

The information that you provide will be used only for UC Berkeley WarnMe for notification purposes. All contact information will be protected and kept private, and it will not be included in campus directories. We will not sell your contact or location information.

Q: What is Everbridge and what does it have to do with UC Berkeley WarnMe? Why is UC Berkeley partnering with a commercial company for this service?

UC Berkeley WarnMe notifications are sent via the Everbridge platform (previously called Nixle) to ensure reliable service 24/7. Everbridge specializes in rapid public notification and has redundant infrastructure.

Q: What if I don't have access to a computer or cell phone at my job?

For employees who do not have access to phones and email, please work with your managers and supervisors to ensure that they immediately alert you to any UC Berkeley WarnMe messages and instructions.

Q: When will UC Berkeley WarnMe be used?

UC Berkeley WarnMe emergency notifications are sent upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees.

Some examples of incidents that may prompt an emergency notification include a(n):

  • Armed intruder
  • Nearby chemical or hazardous waste spill
  • Approaching wildfire
  • Earthquake
  • Bomb threat

*Please note that this list is not exhaustive.

Timely warnings and informational community advisory messages are also sent via UC Berkeley WarnMe.

Q: How will UC Berkeley WarnMe messages be delivered?

Messages will be sent in written text (text messages and/or email). UC Berkeley WarnMe emails are sent from “” and display “UC Berkeley WarnMe“ or “UC Berkeley Police Department” as the sender.

The UC Berkeley WarnMe system will make its best attempt to deliver messages, but situations and services outside the campus's control mean that we cannot guarantee delivery of all messages to all devices. For example, if the local cell phone network is overloaded, you may not receive SMS alerts on your mobile device.

Q: Where can I find more information on what to do in an emergency?

For more information on emergency preparedness, including what to do in different kinds of emergencies, visit the Office of Emergency Management website